ORA text

Bible Apologetics


List of files for basic Bible Apologetics course — approximately 15 hours class time, suitable to be spread over several weeks.
If anyone is willing to help translate these materials into other languages
besides English, please email the ORA webmaster.
To download powerpoint slides, right-click on the link and select “save link as” to save to your local hard drive.
ENGLISH:Full text of course, 48 pages including references.
140 Powerpoint slides to go with apologetics course.
SPANISH:Full text of course in Spanish, translated by Mercedes Hernandez.
Spanish Powerpoint slides to go with apologetics course.
PORTUGESE:Chapters 1 and 2 in Portugese, translated by Deborah Smith, Ph.D.
Portugese Powerpoint slides to go with apologetics course. (Only Chapters 1 – 3 completed.)
ALBANIAN:Full text of course in Albanian, translated by Jonida Osmani.
Albanian Powerpoint slides to go with apologetics course. Translated into Albanian by Jonida Osmani.

THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE – Bible College Course
“Truth in the Balance”

List of Files for BIBLE COLLEGE course entitled The Bible and Science. When complete, expected to have 15 chapters and 3 appendices. Author: David A. Prentice, M.Ed., M.A.S.T. To download powerpoint slides, right-click on the link and select “save link as” to save to your local hard drive.

chapter00contents-preface-dividers.pdf – Table of Contents, Introduction, and section dividers for Bible College textbook entitled “Truth in the Balance”
chapter01Intro.pdf — Introduction to epistemology and the creation/evolution controversyPowerpoint slides for Chapter 1
chapter02WorldReligions.pdf — Brief comparision of world religions and cultsPowerpoint for Chapter 2
chapter03BibleOrigin-SupernaturalCredentials — Credentials of the BiblePowerpoint for Chapter 3
ohdch04AllegedErrorsAndContradictions — Alleged errors and contradictions in the BiblePowerpoint for Chapter 4
chapter05Relevance.pdf — Relevance of the creation/evolution controversyPowerpoint for Chapter 5
chapter06ExaminingEvidence.pdf — The role of logic in the origins controversy; expose of misconceptions and false evidence used to support evolutionPowerpoint for Chapter 6
chapter07OriginofUniverse.pdf — Can known natural processes explain the origin of the universe and all its parts, e.g., the origin of the chemical elements?Powerpoint for Chapter 7
chapter08DevelopmentofUniverse.pdf — Can known natural processes explain the development of the universe to its present condition? Big Bang, thermodynamics, etc.Powerpoint for Chapter 8
chapter09AgeofUniverse.pdf — Age of the universePowerpoint for Chapter 9
chapter10OriginofLife.pdf — Can known natural processes explain the origin of life?Powerpoint for Chapter 10
chapter11Biology-design.pdf — Does biology support or oppose evolution?Powerpoint for Chapter 11
chapter12Fossils-ageofearth.pdf — The fossil record part I – meaning of the rock strata and age of the earthPowerpoint for Chapter 12
chapter13Fossils-OnecellThroughBirds.pdf — The fossil record part II – one-celled to birdsPowerpoint for Chapter 13
chaptr14.pdf  coming soon The fossil record part III – mammals and fossil humans
chaptr15.pdf    coming soon Summary and Conclusion
AppendixA-CommonQuestions.pdf General Biblical questions
AppendixB-WitnessingToMormons.pdf Witnessing to Mormons from the Book of Mormon
AppendixC-PropheciesOfDaniel.pdf Prophecies of Daniel Chapter 11
references.pdf References