Audio/Video & Powerpoint Resources
ANTI-DARWIN DAY “Anti-Darwin Day” video, 3/29/09 – response to nationwide Darwin Day church services Feb. 2009 – why it matters, how science works, fallacy of “ape-men” “Anti-Darwin Day” audio only, 3/29/09 “Anti-Darwin Day” powerpoints. (Right-click the link and choose the “Save link as” option to save to your local machine.) |
BIBLE APOLOGETICS 2010 Bible Apologetics, part 1 – 1 hour video presentation given at Faithful Word Assembly on the logical case for the existence of God 04/07/2010 Bible Apologetics Part 2 4/14/2010 NOTE: to download powerpoints below, right-click the link and choose the “Save link as” option to save to your local machine. Powerpoint part 1 – Why it is reasonable to believe in God. Powerpoint part 2 – Intelligent Design. Powerpoint part 3 – Bible manuscripts and credentials. Powerpoint part 4 – Alleged Bible difficulties. Powerpoint part 5 – The role of logic and science in the origins controversy. |
UPDATED BIBLE APOLOGETICS VIDEOS 2021 Lesson 1 – Logic and the existence of God 03/31/21 Lesson 2 – The Bible’s credentials as the word of God (e.g., fulfilled prophecy) 04/07/21 Lesson 3 – Reliability of the Bible manuscripts 04/14/21 Lesson 4 – Part 1 of resolving alleged errors and contradictions in the Bible 04/21/21 Lesson 5 – Part 2 – resolving more Biblical difficulties 04/28/21 Lesson 6 – Part 3 – resolving more Biblical problems, especially in the New Testament 05/05/21 |
THE ILLOGIC OF EVOLUTION Audio mp3 of Presentation given at Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship showing the faulty logic behind evolution PDF slides to go with the presentation |
“THINGS NOT TO BELIEVE IN SCIENCE CLASS” – talks delivered to church youth group who attend public schools. Mostly science, with minimal reference to the Bible. To download powerpoints, right-click the link and choose the “Save link as” option to save to your local machine. Part 1 – Both creation and evolution as logical systems; basic assumptions of each model; common misconceptions. 6/11/2020 Powerpoints for Part 1 Part 2 – Deals with exactly what monkey and ape fossils we actually have. There are NOT mountains of evidence in favor of evolution! Powerpoints for Part 2 |
WHAT DO WE NOW FOR SURE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE? Powerpoint presentation (81 slides) given to a hostile audience at the Pontchartrain Astronomy Society at the University of New Orleans regarding how little is certain in astronomy. Right-click the link and choose the “Save link as” option to save to your local machine. |